Approaching January 1st, 2019

Approaching January 1st, 2019 - Wylie Blanchard

With the 1st day of 2019 approaching, there is no need to wait until the new year to begin planning goals and efforts, let’s do it now…

  • Speak only great things about your family and colleagues.
  • Learn a new soft skill (Communication skills – Adaptability skills – Teamwork skills).
  • Share news about this skill to your family, friends and associates via mobile technology and social media. 

The people we interact with and actions we take impact future outcomes. Higher a coach, ask a mentor for help, demand excellence from yourself, and never stop taking action.

Wylie Blanchard.

Wylie Blanchard 2018: Business Technology Speaker Chicago

Let’s meet up in 2019.

Contact Wylie today.